2011年12月24日 星期六



2011年12月15日 星期四



12/01 國昌國中

12/03 新營傳愛園遊會

12/13-15 與台中全備福音教會配搭服事

12/01 高雄楠梓-國昌國中
12/02 屏東-鶴聲國中
12/03 新營傳愛園遊會
12/05 屏東-公正國中
12/07 台南新市-新市國中
12/09 嘉義鹿草-鹿草國中
12/10 台中靈糧堂聖誕佈道
12/12 屏東-內埔國中
12/13 台中烏日-九德國小,和東國小(全備福音教會)
12/14 台中南屯-春安國小,鹿港高中(全備福音教會)
12/15 台中申港-大同國小,和美國小(全備福音教會)
12/16 埔里鎮信義鄉-東埔長老教會(聖誕晚會教會佈道)
12/17 歸仁長老教會(社區佈道)
12/18 台中-惠來里基督徒聚會處(分享)
12/20 嘉義大學-新民校區(聖誕佈道)
12/22 高雄三民-陽明國小
12/23 高雄三民-九如國小
12/27 台南高商團契(人際關係)

2011年12月14日 星期三

2011年11月23日 苗栗三灣

2011年11月23日,One Hope Taiwan來到了三灣,透過配搭的三灣教會朴牧師夫婦才知道,三灣是全台客家人口比例最高的鄉鎮,也是全台過去唯一沒有教會的鄉鎮,但感謝主,現在有三灣教會了!The Korean pastor told us that SunWon township is one of the only two town without churches before. Thank God for bringing them be here to serve the people here. And so thankful for the opportunity to work with them.


11/23 三灣國中

11/23 峨嵋國小

11/23 富興國小

11/24 南埔國小
早上在南埔國小表演完後,校長不斷表達謝意,因為我們的來到幫助了他們面對校園裡來自家庭功能失調的孩子偷竊的問題。而最令我們興奮的是校方竟然提出幫助的需要,同時讓三灣教會的朴牧師參與關懷這孩子的行列中。感謝上帝,將學校與教會連結以將上帝所賜的“盼望”帶給下一代。After the presentation and distribution at Nan-Pu Elementary school this morning, the principle told us that he are so concerned about a student who is from a dysfunctional family and has a serious stealing problem. But now he is so grateful because what we presented is just meet the needs of the students and even himself and school staffs. And the most exciting thing is that he asked the korean pastor to help the student and his family. PTL for connecting the church and the school to give the HOPE the the kids.

11/25 三灣國小
話說今天在三灣國小表演小丑劇時,一如往常有高年級小朋友不斷搧動小丑不順服,不用說,後果就是被冠子阿姨痛罵一頓。可是,就在表演結束後,正當我們發書時,有個小朋友為了他的錯誤行為特別跑來跟小丑道歉。感謝主,我們所作的都值得了!As usual, while we are doing the clown skit, a upper elementary student encouraged the clown to be disobey what Teresa want her to do. And the result is the clown was punished. But surprised us, the student came to the clown to apologize for her bad attitude. We all were so encouraged and knowing that God is moving in kids hearts while we are doing our best to bless kids.