2009年10月6日 星期二

2009 菲律賓短宣報告

Here is a report of the One Hope Taiwan ADT in Pasay city and Dumaguete city.

In Pasay City 帕薩市
Schools given in Pasay City = 9 Elementary & 2 High Schools
帕薩市學校 = 9 所小學 & 2 所中學
Total number of books given: 23,756 總發書量: 23,756 本
TGM Showings: 2 showings (1 Community showing and 1 School)
影片(GOD MAN)放映: 2場 (1場社區放映, 1場於學校放映)
Total viewers: 665 觀賞者: 665人
Total responses: 530 回應者: 530 人

In Dumaguete City 杜馬蓋地
Schools given in Dumaguete City = 9 Elementary, 14 High Schools & 1 College
杜馬蓋地學校 = 9 所小學, 14 所中學 & 1所大學
Total number of books given: 13,939總發書量: 13,939 本
TGM Showings: 5 showings ( 1 Community showing and 4 Schools)
影片(GOD MAN)放映: 5場 (1場社區放映, 4場於學校放映)
Total viewers: 906觀賞者: 906人
Total responses: 791回應者: 791 人

Both teams had distributed 37,695 books and had reached 18 Elementary, 16 High School and 1 College।